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Species Overview
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Connochaetes
Species: Connochaetes taurinus (Golden variant)
Life Span: 20–30 years (in the wild)
Weight: 140–250 kg (310–550 lbs)
Height: 1.2–1.4 meters (4–4.6 feet) at the shoulder
Animal Behavior and Habits
Activity: Diurnal – active mostly during the day, with peak grazing activity in the cooler morning and late afternoon.
Feeding Habits: Herbivores – graze on grasses, herbs, and shrubs, preferring fresh, short grasses in open plains and savannas.
Social Structure: Live in large herds, often mixed with Blue Wildebeest. These herds can be quite large, sometimes numbering in the hundreds. They exhibit clear separation between males and females outside the breeding season.
Hunting Approach: Spot-and-stalk method works best due to their open habitat. They are alert, fast-moving, and often difficult to approach, making stealth and patience key.
Habitat and Environment
Preferred Habitat: Open savannas, grasslands, and plains. They are typically found in areas with scattered trees or low shrubbery, offering both grazing and visibility.
Water Sources: Always found near water sources, such as rivers, lakes, or waterholes, as they need frequent access to water.
Best Hunting Locations: Open plains, grasslands, or areas near waterholes where they graze and congregate.
Tracks and Trails: Cloven-hoofed tracks, often in sandy or grassy areas. Look for tracks in soft soil or areas where herds are known to graze.
Signs: Look for trampled vegetation, grazing marks, and droppings, especially near water sources or grazing fields.
Hunting Time
Ideal Hunting Times: Early morning and late afternoon are the best times to hunt, as they are most active then.
Breeding Season: Mating occurs year-round but peaks during the rainy season (usually November–December). Males become more aggressive and territorial during this time.
Trophy Quality: Golden Wildebeests are a genetic variant of the Blue Wildebeest, with golden, lighter-colored coats. Males typically have large, sweeping horns, which can grow up to 80–100 cm (31–39 inches). Look for large, symmetrical horns for the best trophy quality.
Use of Scent Lures: Not commonly used, though scent lures could potentially attract males during the rut if necessary.