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• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Chordata
• Class: Mammalia
• Order: Artiodactyla
• Family: Bovidae
• Genus: Kobus
• Species: Kobus ellipsiprymnus
• Life Span: 10–14 years (in the wild)
• Weight: 150–250 kg (330–550 lbs)
• Height: 1.2–1.4 m (47–55 inches) at the shoulder
Animal Behavior and Habits
• Activity:
Primarily diurnal, active during the cooler hours of the day (early morning and late afternoon), but can also be seen grazing during midday in cooler regions.
• Feeding Habits:
Herbivores – Waterbuck cows feed on grasses, reeds, and aquatic plants. They prefer areas near permanent water sources where they can easily find food and stay hydrated.
• Social Structure:
Waterbuck cows live in herds of 10–30 individuals, though larger herds can occasionally be seen. Herds are often led by a dominant female. Males tend to be more solitary, especially outside of mating season.
• Hunting Approach:
Waterbuck cows are relatively slow-moving compared to some other antelopes but are very sturdy and able to defend themselves in thick vegetation. They rely on their ability to hide in dense cover near water and use their large size for protection rather than speed.
Habitat and Environment
• Preferred Habitat:
Wetlands, savannas, and grasslands near permanent water sources, such as rivers, lakes, and marshes. They prefer areas with thick vegetation that provides cover and food.
• Water Sources:
Waterbuck cows are highly dependent on water and must drink daily. They prefer habitats near rivers, lakes, or marshes where they can easily find water and shelter from predators.
• Best Hunting Locations:
Look for Waterbuck cows in wetland areas, near riverbanks, marshes, or dense reed beds. Hunting near water sources is key, as these animals are most commonly found in such areas.
• Tracks and Trails:
Waterbuck tracks are large and cloven, with deep impressions left in muddy or soft ground. They are often found near water sources or along the banks of rivers and lakes.
• Signs:
Look for signs of grazing around water sources or along riverbanks. Waterbuck are known for leaving distinctive tracksin muddy or wet areas, and fresh droppings near waterholes are a good sign they are nearby.
Hunting Time
• Ideal Hunting Times:
Early morning and late afternoon are the best times to hunt Waterbuck cows when they are most active feeding and grazing.
• Breeding Season:
Mating occurs year-round, but there is a peak during the wet season when food is abundant. Calves are typically born after an 8–9 month gestation period.
• Trophy Quality:
While Waterbuck cows do not have horns like the bulls, they are still valued for their size and muscular build. Their large frame and sturdy nature make them a unique and challenging target for hunters.
• Use of Scent Lures:
Scent lures are not commonly used for Waterbuck cows. However, they may respond to calls or the scent of males during the mating season if near a bull.