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• Kingdom: Animalia
• Phylum: Chordata
• Class: Mammalia
• Order: Artiodactyla
• Family: Bovidae
• Genus: Raphicerus
• Species: Raphicerus campestris
• Life Span: 8–10 years (in the wild)
• Weight: 9–15 kg (20–33 lbs)
• Height: 45–60 cm (18–24 inches) at the shoulder
Activity: Nocturnal and crepuscular – primarily active during dawn, dusk, and at night.
Feeding Habits: Herbivores – primarily feed on grasses, shrubs, and fruits, preferring dense vegetation and areas with cover.
Social Structure: Solitary or in pairs, especially outside of the mating season. Males are territorial, marking their territory with scent.
Hunting Approach: Steenbok are elusive and often remain hidden in dense vegetation. They rely on their agility and speed to evade predators, making them challenging to spot and hunt.
Preferred Habitat: Thorny bushveld, scrubland, grasslands, and semi-arid regions. They prefer areas with dense vegetation for cover.
Water Sources: Can survive without frequent access to water, obtaining most of their hydration from food. They are adapted to arid conditions and can go without water for several days.
Best Hunting Locations: Areas with dense bushes, tall grasses, or scrubland. Steenbok are often found in relatively dry areas with plenty of cover.
Tracks and Trails: Small, cloven-hoofed tracks that are typically found in soft, sandy, or grassy environments. Their tracks are often hard to spot due to their tendency to stay in dense areas.
Signs: Look for disturbed grass or shrubs, fresh droppings, and tracks in areas with dense cover. Steenbok are often found in areas with thick bush or grass, where they remain hidden during the day.
Ideal Hunting Times: Early morning and late evening when they are most active, though some hunting can be done at night due to their nocturnal nature.
Breeding Season: Mating occurs year-round, with a peak during the rainy season. Does generally give birth to a single calf after a gestation period of about 7–8 months.
Trophy Quality: Males have small, straight, backward-curved horns that are typically 12–15 cm (4.5–6 inches) long. While their horns are small compared to larger antelopes, they are still prized for their symmetry and shape.
Use of Scent Lures: Scent lures are not commonly used for Steenbok, but they may respond to calls or the scent of other animals during the rut (breeding season).