Mountain Reedbuck

Species Overview

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Redunca
Species: Redunca fulvorufula (Mountain Reedbuck)

Life Span: 10–12 years (in the wild)
Weight: 30–60 kg (66–132 lbs)
Height: 60–75 cm (24–30 inches) at the shoulder

Animal Behavior and Habits

Activity: Primarily diurnal (active during the day), with peak activity in the early morning and late afternoon.
Feeding Habits: Herbivores – primarily feed on grasses, shrubs, and herbaceous plants, often in higher altitude areas with dense vegetation.
Social Structure: Typically solitary or found in small family groups, but can occasionally form larger groups during the dry season. Males are often territorial.
Hunting Approach: Not typically hunted in the traditional sense, but are preyed upon by predators like leopards and lions. Stealthy hunting in their rugged, rocky habitats is most effective.

Habitat and Environment

Preferred Habitat: Mountainous, rocky hillsides, and steep, grassy slopes at higher elevations, often near water sources such as streams or mountain springs.
Water Sources: Found near permanent water sources like streams and springs, but they can survive in drier areas if water is available.
Best Hunting Locations: Rocky or mountainous terrain, especially where dense grasses and shrubs provide cover. Look for areas near water, especially streams in rugged landscapes.
Tracks and Trails: Cloven-hoofed tracks, usually found in rocky or soft soil, and near water sources.
Signs: Grazed grasses and plants, tracks in rocky or sandy areas, and droppings found along the edges of grassy slopes and near water.

Hunting Time

Ideal Hunting Times: Early morning or late afternoon when the Mountain Reedbuck is grazing or moving between feeding and drinking areas.
Breeding Season: The mating season typically occurs during the warmer months (August–December). Males may become more aggressive during the rut, especially when defending territory.
Trophy Quality: Males have relatively short, slender, backward-curving horns, which can range from 20–30 cm (8–12 inches). The best trophies are those with well-defined, symmetrical horns.
Use of Scent Lures: Scent lures are not typically needed, but calling or mimicking the sounds of a rutting male may attract the animals during breeding season.