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Species Overview
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Bovidae
Genus: Aepyceros
Species: Aepyceros melampus
Life Span: 12–15 years (in the wild)
Weight: 40–75 kg (88–165 lbs)
Height: 75–95 cm (30–37 inches) at the shoulder
Animal Behavior and Habits
Activity: Diurnal – active during the day, particularly in the cooler hours of the morning and late afternoon.
Feeding Habits: Herbivores – feed on grasses, leaves, and shrubs, often favoring tender shoots.
Social Structure: Live in herds of 20–100 individuals, with males and females typically in separate groups outside the breeding season.
Hunting Approach: Spot-and-stalk or ambush hunting near water sources or feeding areas.
Habitat and Environment
Preferred Habitat: Open woodlands, savannas, grasslands, and riverine areas with good cover.
Water Sources: Found near rivers, streams, or waterholes, but can go a day or two without water.
Best Hunting Locations: Open savannas or grassy plains, especially near waterholes.
Tracks and Trails: Small cloven-hoofed tracks with distinct, oval shapes.
Signs: Look for fresh grazing areas, trails, and droppings near feeding grounds.
Hunting Time
Ideal Hunting Times: Early morning and late afternoon, when they are grazing and more active.
Breeding Season: Typically in the wet season (April–June), with males becoming more competitive and aggressive.
Trophy Quality: Look for mature males with long, curved horns that are typically 50–70 cm (20–28 inches).
Use of Scent Lures: Not typically necessary, but can be useful during the rut or to attract males.