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Species Overview
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Giraffidae
Genus: Giraffa
Species: Giraffa camelopardalis
Life Span: 25–30 years (in the wild)
Weight: 800–1,200 kg (1,760–2,645 lbs)
Height: 4.3–5.5 meters (14–18 feet)
Animal Behavior and Habits
Activity: Diurnal – most active during daylight hours, particularly early morning and late afternoon.
Feeding Habits: Herbivores – primarily feed on the leaves, fruits, and flowers of trees, particularly acacias.
Social Structure: Live in loose, non-territorial herds, typically 10–20 individuals, with no fixed dominance hierarchy.
Hunting Approach: Rarely hunted by humans, as they are large and generally difficult to approach. Focus on stalking in areas with good cover or water sources.
Habitat and Environment
Preferred Habitat: Open woodlands, savannas, and grasslands, often near waterholes.
Water Sources: Drink regularly at waterholes, although they can go for several days without water.
Best Hunting Locations: Areas with dense trees or open savannas, particularly near water sources.
Tracks and Trails: Large, cloven-hoofed tracks, with distinct prints and deep impressions in soft soil.
Signs: Look for browsing signs, such as eaten tree tops, and tracks near water sources or in wooded areas.
Hunting Time
Ideal Hunting Times: Early morning or late afternoon, as they are most active during these times.
Breeding Season: Year-round, with peak calving during the wet season (usually January–March).
Trophy Quality: Look for mature males with thick, long horns. Trophy-quality giraffes typically have dark, robust horns with prominent ridges.
Use of Scent Lures: Not typically used for giraffes, but can be helpful in attracting them to a specific area.