
Species Overview

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Crocodylia

Family: Crocodylidae

Genus: Crocodylus

SpeciesCrocodylus niloticus

Life Span: 50–70 years (in the wild)

Weight: 225–1,100 kg (500–2,400 lbs)

Length: 3–5 meters (9.8–16.4 feet)

Animal Behavior and Habits

Activity: Primarily nocturnal – most active during dusk, night, and early morning when hunting.

Feeding Habits: Carnivorous – opportunistic feeders, preying on fish, birds, mammals, and even large herbivores. They are powerful ambush predators and can remain motionless in the water for long periods.

Social Structure: Solitary – Crocodiles are solitary hunters, but they may tolerate others in basking spots or near large prey. Social interactions are typically limited to mating season.

Hunting Approach: Ambush predator – Crocodiles rely on stealth to capture prey, often lying still in the water or lurking near riverbanks before launching a surprise attack. They have incredibly strong jaws and use their powerful bite to capture and drown their prey.

Habitat and Environment

Preferred Habitat: Freshwater rivers, lakes, marshes, and swamps. They can also be found in brackish water.

Water Sources: Crocodiles are always near water, where they hunt, bask, and mate. They are capable of surviving long periods without access to fresh water by relying on body fat reserves.

Best Hunting Locations: Rivers, lakes, and waterholes, especially those with abundant prey. Crocodiles are often found in areas where wildlife comes to drink, which makes them excellent ambush predators.

Tracks and Trails: Large, rounded tracks with deep impressions due to their heavy weight. They leave a distinctive tail drag mark, especially when moving on land.

Signs: Look for basking sites, muddy banks with tracks, and areas where prey have been dragged into the water. Crocodile nests (mounds of vegetation or sand) may also indicate their presence.

Hunting Time

Ideal Hunting Times: Night and early morning – Crocodiles are most active at these times, hunting along riverbanks and catching prey that comes to drink.

Breeding Season: Mating season typically occurs during the dry season, with nesting in the warmer months (April–June). Females lay eggs in nests, and the young hatch after about 90 days.

Trophy Quality: Trophy hunting for crocodiles focuses on large individuals, with desirable features such as a thick, well-marked hide and large, strong jaws. Males can grow up to 5 meters (16.4 feet) in length and are prized for their size.

Use of Scent Lures: Scent lures are not commonly used for hunting crocodiles, as they rely more on ambush techniques and the natural behavior of the prey. However, hunting near waterholes during peak feeding times can be effective.