CAT: Serval


Species Overview

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Genus: Leptailurus

SpeciesLeptailurus serval

Life Span: 10–12 years (in the wild)

Weight: 8–15 kg (18–33 lbs)

Height: 54–66 cm (21–26 inches) at the shoulder

Animal Behavior and Habits

Activity: Nocturnal and crepuscular – primarily active at night and during the twilight hours.

Feeding Habits: Carnivorous – preys on small to medium-sized animals, including birds, rodents, frogs, and insects. Known for their remarkable jumping ability and skilled hunting techniques, especially for catching birds mid-flight.

Social Structure: Solitary – Servals are solitary creatures, only coming together for mating. They establish territories marked by scent marking.

Hunting Approach: Stealthy and patient hunters. Servals use their excellent sense of hearing to locate prey, often pouncing from a distance or stalking through tall grass before leaping to catch their quarry.

Habitat and Environment

Preferred Habitat: Savannas, grasslands, and wetlands, often near water sources like rivers, lakes, or marshes. They prefer areas with dense vegetation or tall grasses that provide cover for hunting.

Water Sources: Frequently found near water sources as they are good swimmers and often hunt near rivers, ponds, or wetlands.

Best Hunting Locations: Look for them in open, grassy areas near water, where prey like birds and rodents are abundant.

Tracks and Trails: Smaller tracks than larger cats, with visible claws and a round, soft paw print. Tracks are often found along game trails, in sandy or soft soils.

Signs: Look for fresh kill sites, pouncing marks in the grass, and droppings which are usually found near territory boundaries.

Hunting Time

Ideal Hunting Times: Primarily nocturnal, with peak hunting activity just after dusk and before dawn. They are also active during the cooler parts of the day.

Breeding Season: Mating season is year-round, with females going into heat multiple times throughout the year. A single litter of 1–4 kittens is typically born after a gestation period of 70–75 days.

Trophy Quality: Trophy hunting for servals typically focuses on individuals with large, distinct coat patterns, with bright yellow or gold fur and bold black markings. Their graceful build and striking appearance make them prized in the wild.

Use of Scent Lures: Scent lures are not commonly used for Servals, but calling methods or baiting can attract them during the mating season or when food is scarce.