CAT: Caracal

Species Overview

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Mammalia

Order: Carnivora

Family: Felidae

Genus: Caracal

SpeciesCaracal caracal

Life Span: 12–17 years (in the wild)

Weight: 8–19 kg (18–42 lbs)

Height: 40–50 cm (16–20 inches) at the shoulder

Animal Behavior and Habits

Activity: Nocturnal and crepuscular – primarily active at night and during dawn/dusk.

Feeding Habits: Carnivorous – preys on small to medium-sized mammals (such as hares, birds, rodents, and small antelope). Known for its incredible hunting skills, including leaping to catch birds mid-flight.

Social Structure: Solitary – Caracals typically live alone, except during mating season or when a mother is caring for her young.

Hunting Approach: Stealthy and agile, Caracals rely on surprise attacks and powerful jumps. They are excellent climbers and are known for their ability to catch birds in mid-air.

Habitat and Environment

Preferred Habitat: Dry, semi-arid regions, savannas, grasslands, and scrubby woodlands. They are found in a variety of landscapes, from mountainous areas to dense brush.

Water Sources: Can survive in relatively dry areas and does not require constant access to water, but frequents water sources when available.

Best Hunting Locations: Look for Caracals in areas with dense vegetation or rocky outcrops, where they can stalk prey undetected.

Tracks and Trails: Padded, round tracks with visible claw marks, often found in sandy or loose soil. Look for tracks near rock formations, water sources, or along game trails.

Signs: Look for freshly killed prey, scrapes on trees or rocks, and droppings near feeding or resting areas.

Hunting Time

Ideal Hunting Times: Primarily at night, although dawn and dusk can also be productive times for hunting.

Breeding Season: Mating occurs year-round, though there are often peak periods linked to environmental conditions (typically the wet season). Females give birth to litters of 1–4 kittens.

Trophy Quality: Trophy hunting for Caracals focuses on males, which are slightly larger and heavier than females. The most desirable trophies are those with well-developed musculature and a striking coat.

Use of Scent Lures: Scent lures are not commonly used, but hunting can be aided by calling techniques or baiting if trying to lure a Caracal into a specific location.